Fence Waterloo - Fence Height, Permits, Property Lines, & Regulations


Here are the top questions asked by homeowners who want to build a fence in Waterloo. Click on the questions to uncover the answers. If you are looking for a professional company to install the best fence Waterloo has to offer, contact Citywide.

Fence Waterloo: Top Questions

+ How high can a fence be in Waterloo?

The maximum height for a fence in Waterloo depends on the location of your fence.

Rear and Interior Fences: They can be as high as 2.4m (8ft.)

Front Yard Fences on Interior Lots: These can only be 0.9m (3 feet) high

Corner Lot Fences: If you have a corner lot, however, your flanking yard (the edge of your yard that flanks the road) can only be 1.8m (6ft.), but it can be 0.9 m (3 feet) high in your front yard.

+ Do I include the trim on top of my fence when measuring its height?

Yes. The height of your fence should be taken from the ground to the highest point on your fence, including any decorative trim or accessory.

+ Do you need a permit to build a fence in Kitchener?

You do not need a permit if you are building a fence that doesn't surround a swimming pool. If it does surround a swimming pool that can hold 0.9 metres (3 feet) of water or more, then, yes, you need a permit. This applies to both above and inground pools.

+ How close to the property line can I build a fence Ontario?

You can build a fence anywhere on your side of your property line. If you want to build your fence right on your property line then be aware the the fence will be jointly owned.

+ Does my adjoining neighbour need to pay half of the cost of putting up a fence in Waterloo that divides our properties?

According to the City of Waterloo By-Law No 09-0C9, the cost of building the fence will be covered as follows:

Both Neighbours Agree to Split the Cost: Each owner will pay the amount that they agree upon.

The Adjoining Neight Disagrees to Split the Cost: The adjoining owner needs to pay 50% of the basic cost(the cost of constructing a four foot hight, 1.5 inch mesh, steel chain link fence) or 50% of the actual cost of the fence, whichever is less.

+ What is meant by the daylight visibility triangle?

The daylight visibility triangle (DLVT) refers to the area of space on your property that helps pedestrians and drivers to see around corners. You measure this triangle as follows:

  • Begin at the intersection where your front lot line and the flankage lot lines meet and measure 3 m (10 ft.) along the front lot line. Make a mark here.
  • Next measure 15 m (50 ft.) along your front lot line and make a second mark.
  • Next measure 15 m (50 ft.) along your flankage lot line.
  • Join the 3 m (10 ft.) mark along the front lot line with the 15 m (ft.) mark along your flankage lot line.
  • Repeat the previous step along the flankage lot line.

The two triangles that you have made in the corner of your lot represent the DLVT. You can get a map of how the DLVT looks here.

+ Can I construct a fence in my daylight visibility triangle?

No. You can't construct any fence inside your daylight visibility triangle.

+ Can I make my existing fence higher?

Before adding an extension to your fence, you should consider the condition of it. It needs to be structurally sound. If it is in poor shape, then it might be better for you to have a new fence installed that is the height that you want it to be. A fencing professional can check out your fence to see if it is sound and they can give you a quote on installing a new fence so you can make the best decision.

If you would like to make your fence higher, you could hire a fencing company to add an extension or topper to the top of your fence. This type of extension is usually made out of lattice or picket panels and is attached to the top of your existing fence.

+ How tall can a fence be in Kitchener?

A fence between the front of your house and the front property line: Maximum height is 0.9 m (3 feet) high

A fence along your rear property line: Maximum height is 2.4m (8ft.) high

A fence on a corner lot along the corner visibility triangle (your property lines that abut the roads along your property): Maximum height is 0.9 m (3 feet) high for 7.5m (25ft.) on either side of the corner triangle.

Source: City of Kitchener


Fence Waterloo: For the best installations, trust the professionals at Citywide


Fence Waterloo: For Professional Installations, Contact Citywide

With Citywide Fences & Decks, you'll enjoy personal service like no other. If you are looking for the best fence Waterloo has to offer at an affordable price, contact Citywide.

Our expertise and unmatched customer service have earned us a reputation for the finest craftsmanship, professionalism and friendliness in the industry. Not only will you appreciate your new fence, but you will also enjoy working with us.


Citywide Fences & Decks is a locally owned and operated business based in the Kitchener-Waterloo region. We have been proudly serving our community with the highest quality services for more than 13 years.

The services we offer include:

We provide free estimates, friendly expert advice, and a range of products and options to transform your property into something truly spectacular and functional. Contact us today for your free quote.


“I could not be more impressed. Great crew, great problem solvers, great attention to detail, extremely courteous and quite frankly awesome service. Thanks so much Citywide!!!”

— Bill Waters

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